Comments on: Swimmer Puppy Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Sat, 07 Jan 2023 23:27:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sandra L Szeliga Sat, 07 Jan 2023 23:27:34 +0000

Can you please post some pictures of how to best tape a puppy’s legs that has swimmers leg syndrome? My puppy has it in her front legs.

By: Karin Sat, 05 Nov 2022 06:21:25 +0000

Hi I have 4 puppies w swimers syndrome I just realize they have no teeth is this normal

By: Manori Fri, 12 Aug 2022 18:03:17 +0000

My golden retriever puppy was diagnosed with swimmer puppy syndrome when she was five weeks old . After taping her front paws and back paws for almost three weeks, she is able to walk and run now but her flat chest hasn’t improved . How can we correct the flat chest ?

By: JANET GALLOWAY Fri, 24 Jun 2022 12:22:31 +0000

My minature Dachshund puppy was progressing extremely well until week 3 .
She lost 30g in weiht overnight which alerted me immediatley , emergency trip to the vet ,which to be honest was hopeless, they did thankfully refer us to the pet hospital.
Once there pup was hastily taken into their care whilst myself and my husband waited ,not so patiently !
Pup was diagnosed with pneumonia and swimmers syndrome. Prognosis wasn’t great to be honest.We left with antibiotics and to expect the worst !
Bonnie ! Is now 6.5 weeks old and can walk , yes she has her difficulties, I feed her separate to her siblings as she takes longer to eat,
Initial diagnosis stated that not many pups survive beyond 8 weeks, reading here has given me so much hope.

By: Sheela letterman Fri, 17 Jun 2022 01:38:11 +0000

Thanks for the helpful information, can you please tell me does swimmers also affect the neck muscle the pups have,have no control over there heads flopping. They are maturing normally but their body functions are not. Going to the vet but I just was kind of wanting to get all the information I could first. Thank you
