Comments on: Getting To Know The Chug Dog (AKA Chihuahua Pug Mix) Wed, 30 Nov 2022 14:19:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Charlotte Wed, 30 Nov 2022 14:19:26 +0000

That should say 75 pound lab. Lol

By: Charlotte Wed, 30 Nov 2022 14:18:26 +0000

I have the best Chug. She’s the smartest, most affectionate, most adorable little lady! It seems she has the best traits of both breeds and is very much a cuddler. She does like to eat and is wary of strangers, but she is the boss of the other 4 dogs including the 75 lab!

By: Allura Sat, 10 Sep 2022 09:45:46 +0000

We just got a pug chihuahua mix without even realizing it! I was looking for a pug and found the most adorable puppies! Turns out it is mixed with chihuahua. He is only 6 weeks old going on 7. He sleeps a whole lot but he plays hard for a tiny baby dog. The only way yo get him to sleep through the night is to play with him and let him run around a lot before bedtime. He plays harder than our larger dogs! Definitely need to train him how to play nice. We are lucky our older puppies are so sweet, they let him scratch and bite them all up without any reaction, and his bites are hard! They are only 5 months and almost 3 months so it makes me proud how fast my babies learn. Such an adorable puppy!!!

By: Herbert and Sharon Pishion Wed, 10 Aug 2022 23:32:56 +0000

I like this cross and have been looking for one for my wife. we are both retired and dont have much money..I have been trying to find one in Oregon or super close as @ 78 I do not like to drive very far. can you help??
