Comments on: 6 Facts about Chiweenie (A.K.A. Chihuahua & Dachshund Mix or Chihuahua Doxie Mix) Sat, 18 Feb 2023 18:57:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dawn Sat, 18 Feb 2023 18:57:03 +0000

I don’t know about most chiweenies… but mine SHEDS like CRAZY!!! Mine actually shed more than my 3 cats together!

By: Sondra P. Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:47:42 +0000

I adopted my sweet baby as a rescue 2/14/15! I fell in love with her after she kept following me all over while looking for a Yorkie to adopt…I picked her up she kissed my chin…THE REST IS HISTORY!
HER name was Jeannie..I said “NO it’s not…it’s Mz. Valentyne since we became family on Valentine’s Day! She is such a Diva Doggie. So sweet and the above article describes her 100000%
She loves to squeeze in between me and the couch cushion right in the curve of my back. She SERIOUSLY is a snuggler…and burrower. Found her once in the center of a rolled up comforter on the floor! She loves road trips sitting in her booster seat to see out the window…and loves shopping!!!

By: Tessa lee Sat, 11 Feb 2023 11:59:28 +0000

My mother in law and I got 2 chaweenie male & female brother and sister they are 9 weeks old we love th so much In the training stage now any advice on potty training we bought a all pen for play time outside when weather is nice and we take them out when they wake up after meals and in between?

By: Misty Hovila & Gizmo Sun, 22 Jan 2023 05:45:52 +0000

I just love my chaweenie ,his name is Gizmo he’s definitely protective of me, & don’t like men or many people around me, but over the years he’s handled it fine..He brightens my life up daily..he’s so smart,loves to cuddle ,& sleep next to blessed to have him. He amazes me daily & gives me more love than I ever imagined. I truly thank God for him too. I will add a picture of my sweet baby

By: John Erik Mon, 09 Jan 2023 23:09:22 +0000

Hello, I have a Chihuahua/Dachshund mix. His name is Christopher Chase. He was rescued from Greater Birmingham Human Society. He is an absolute treasure. He is smart – almost too smart. He is a very picky eater. He likes his dog food. If the store is out of his brand – I have to go to another store otherwise. He will pitch a fit and barely eat. He is VERY sassy and has an attitude all his own. He is the guard dog and he is very protective. I mean very protective of me. He will guard the house. If Someone comes over and he doesn’t like them. He will attack and bite. He was not trained to do this. He does it on his own. I have tried training and reinforcement but he doesn’t retain the training. He has a mate – Chihuahua/Pit Bull mix – Margie Samantha. They get along and play and run all day. He has had a few instances where he has been too aggressive (food is the worst thing he gets aggressive over, and he does get aggressive when Margie cuddles with me when he is asleep and gets woken up) but they are 90% good together!! Just wanted to ask how do I stop his aggressive behaviors when it comes to food, aggression with Margie if he’s been asleep and gets woken up, or aggression when they play sometimes?

By: Bee Mon, 26 Dec 2022 04:57:40 +0000

Can’t seem to train him He’s a good guy just doesn’t like to use the PP pad Doesn’t like going outside don’t know what to do

By: Gina Marie Costantino Sat, 26 Nov 2022 03:15:23 +0000

My chiweenie is MY HEART! She is the sweetest, smartest and most expressive dog I have ever owned! She is also the only dog I have ever owned that wasn’t a registered pure bred. She picked me from a rescue and she loves everyone but nobody compares to Mommy. She is so well behaved that she travels and eats in nice restaurants with us and no one minds. Twinkie is not a barker. When she barks, there is someone at the door or she needs to go potty. That’s it! Best pupper ever!

By: Gay Porter Mon, 21 Nov 2022 23:31:40 +0000

My Chiweenie, Rosie is just 3 months. She is supposed to have some miniature poodle in her also but I don’t see it, she is all Chiweenie. She’s still learning a lot, like how to obey when I tell her no. Her little teeth are razor sharp and my hands show it. She loves to play with anything that squeaks or makes noise. She has the long legs of a chihuahua and when she runs outside she looks like an antelope bounding across the lawn. If she doesn’t want to be caught you’re not going to catch her she will run in circles and just as soon as you think you’ve got her she runs the other way! But what a sweet dog she is, when she’s tired of playing she is curled up right against me and just happy. My old cat has become her friend and they play together a lot as long as it’s the cats idea. I got her chipped and you would have thought we had murdered her poor little thing screamed bloody murder! She is a joy for sure and I look forward to many years of fun with her.

By: Penny Miller Sat, 05 Nov 2022 15:00:41 +0000

My baby boy is so cute it’s criminal he is friendly and loves everyone, which would him easy to steal. He hardly barks, only as a warning. I am elderly and he is the perfect companion. But he is very stubborn, I’ve never had a chihuahua, but would say about the same as my old dashound poodle and any blue heeler I’ve had. So it is something I’ve found that being consistent and patient works, Rome wasn’t built in a day and potty training as much as we would like happening doesn’t either. I would say he’s worth the work, he’s 6 pounds (5 month old) of pure love.

By: Jennifer Fri, 30 Sep 2022 11:38:33 +0000

My chiweenie can not stop eatting and trys to steel her sisters food our food any food. Needless to say shes a little over wait. Thinking shes taken on the dachshund trait for the love of food. We also gave. Chihuahua and she is the opposite and only eats part of her food and likes to come back later.
