Comments on: The 6 Important Questions Every English Shepherd Owner Asks Sat, 10 Sep 2022 15:47:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jack Sat, 10 Sep 2022 15:47:05 +0000

Surprise. You’re probably her favorite person, so she pays the most attention to you. But, English Shepherds are originally farm dogs, working on a farm in a variety of ways. Even today they’re not that far from that heritage. She may be telling you she wants to DO SOMETHING. The good news is that English Shepherds are not that hard to train, and many can be taught to do an amazing number of tricks. Training her will greatly improve her happiness with you, and maybe your’s with her. If you’re not into training, try long walks where she can get a variety of smells and experiences like rocks to climb, streams to cross, other animals to investigate. Just remember, an English Shepherd is not a dog that can be expected to lie on the sofa only be a love sponge.

By: Sherri Vickaryous Tue, 06 Mar 2018 16:53:09 +0000

My English Shepard follows me around and just barks at me for no reason. like she wants something. I’m not sure what to do. She nips at me also. She does not do this to anyone else in the family. Just me. Can you give me a clue why? I feel like she is trying to tell me something but i dont know what to do.

By: Jill Fri, 16 Feb 2018 19:46:41 +0000

Hi, so I have an English Shepherd butch that is about 14 weeks old. I also have a German Shepherd that is 17 months old. I feedbboth dogs real chicken ( organic and pure of any antibiotics etc… ) but also use dry dog food as well. We want to know the best good for her. She loves my dog Xander’s food… which is specifically for GSD’s. He will not eat anything else. Well, Xoe the ESD loves it. It’s Royal Canin. Should I try to get her to eat something else? I can’t switch Xander, and it’s been excellent food for him. But for her, I’m sure that it’s not the best. Please help. Thank you.
