Comments on: Jack Chi (Jack Russell Chihuahua Mix): a Small and Active dog Tue, 06 Dec 2022 00:46:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dan Eddy Tue, 06 Dec 2022 00:46:30 +0000

We’ve had Mohica for about 3 years. She is all of these comments lol. And our best friend she is a wire hair Jack chi. She sits on my wife all day and then me at night lol. We have 2 cats and another much larger dog. They keep her busy..

By: Ivan Roy Sat, 29 Oct 2022 15:11:39 +0000

yes i had one for 13 yrs an now looking for another one in Ont, please let me know

By: Colleen Sat, 08 Oct 2022 15:36:48 +0000

I have a jack chi and he is extremely smart, very loyal and he picks who he wants to be friends with. He wants to be with me all the time and no matter where I am he has to be up close. He is protective of me and my husband. He loves to be loved and gives back constantly. He is also considerate of our chic and watches over him. Even tho the jack chi is a months younger, he is the alpha dog. We love him very much and our long haired chic.

By: Dawn trott Sun, 17 Apr 2022 22:44:29 +0000

I own a jack chi her name is treacle .she has changed my life for the better she loves her walks .and is eager to please she loves to cuddle up in my bed .but also digs my plant pots but she gives us so much pleasure .

By: Mary Jusseaume Sun, 17 Apr 2022 18:49:07 +0000

When Toby was give to me they said he was a chihuahua datsun mix but everyone that sees him ask if he is a jack russell. I know he can jump very high, he likes to dig in the yard, and he chews everything he sees, he is a very aggressive chewers, we have to buy toys he can’t chew through and he barks at everything and everybody. I am an elderly lady and he is a challenge.

By: Robin E Levin Fri, 15 Apr 2022 05:06:49 +0000

We have two dogs that we believe are jack chis. They are probably littermates and we got them as a bonded pair from the SPCA. They are adorable and very affectionate. One is white and we call her Sugar, the other is tan and we call him Honey. In personality they fit your description to a T. They like to be on my bed during the day and they are either inert or bouncing off the walls with no middle ground. We take them for a walk three times a day, but still they have “accidents” in the house. I have had to change my daily schedule for them because they get me up at dawn. I used to go to bed at 12:30 but no I go to bed at 11:00 P.M.
Does anyone have any advice on house training them?
