Comments on: 7 Things You Need to Know about the Boxer Bulldog Mix Tue, 21 Feb 2023 13:29:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: charles v phillips Tue, 21 Feb 2023 13:29:21 +0000

want to buy part bull dog and part boxer puppy bendil color

By: charles phillips Tue, 21 Feb 2023 13:20:05 +0000

I want to buy part bull and part boxer male brindil puppy

By: Dallas Brown Sat, 26 Nov 2022 02:31:54 +0000

I had a boxer mix for 15 years he was the best friend we ever had

By: Jennifer Fri, 30 Sep 2022 20:51:28 +0000

My sweet & loyal companion, Puzz has been keeping me company for over 12 years. He’s been excellent with kids & other pets. He did have food aggression when he was younger but has mellowed with age. He is 1 of 5 dogs so maybe that’s why he was possessive with his food. Despite his age he still loves to play & exercise. He’s has a load bark that would scare any intruder away. He was hard to potty train & he did destroy 3 couches until my elderly mother came to live with us.
I love him so much & would consider getting another aomeday

By: Daniel Dutton Mon, 16 May 2022 19:12:05 +0000

I have a 4 year old boxer and English bull dog mix he is awesome with my babies and me and my wife my kids play with hi he minds verry well and was so easy to house train he loves riding in cars when it is time for my kids to go to bed all I have to say is ” kids it’s bed time let go to bed ” and my dog will get up and go lay down in the middle of the room and wait till the lights go out and the first kid that starts crying he will walk over and climb in bed with them and when the babies go to sleep we will get up so softly he never wakes them up and he will lay back down in the middle off the floor on his bed But with other dogs he doesn’t know he is verry protective and will snap on a nother dog fast in less they are raised together I would then they are great together I love my boxer English mix he is our family member also my kids call him bubba
