Comments on: Meet Your Gentle Giant, the Labradane (AKA the Great Dane Lab Mix) Mon, 13 Feb 2023 20:25:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kris B Mon, 13 Feb 2023 20:25:22 +0000

I recently agreed to foster a very large, beautiful lab cross. We are trying to determine what he is crossed with. I think he is Brindle Great Dane or Mastiff/Black Lab. He has the most gorgeous brindle legs, and the biggest feet! Very long legs, he looks bigger than dogs shown in your illustrations. He has had a rough start to his life, he is between one and two years old. He had nutrition deficits and hair loss but is well-coated and shiny now. He still seems a bit on the skinny side, but he is so active I have no idea what his ideal food intake should be. He is very loving, kind, gentle. He can play stick, ball, or just run for hours. He is great for increasing my activity level. I would love to learn to be his ideal human.

By: Ryan Mulder Wed, 25 Jan 2023 07:47:49 +0000

Ive just adopted a labradane from a good friend of mine and hes only 7 months and over 75lbs. I can tell hes going to be a very loving pup but also very headstrong. Training is a must and you must be firm with this one. They will litterally and phisically walk all over you if you dont get ahold of the obedience side quickly.

By: Bethany Thu, 27 Oct 2022 02:01:00 +0000

I have adopted a Labradane. I have only had him for about 2 weeks. He’s roughly 2 years old. He was a stray. My cousin in law rescues just about every animal she comes across. I got him from her. He has a stubborn side and a loving side. He loves to work, play, and sleep. I absolutely love him.
