Comments on: What Size Dog Crate Do You Need? [The Ultimate Guide] Wed, 26 Aug 2020 12:07:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alexandra Mon, 08 Jan 2018 10:17:12 +0000

In reply to Bruna.

Hi Bruna,
I don’t believe there is any Giant airproof crate weighing less than 9 kilos. Most of them weigh near 20 kilos (`45 lbs). Even if your Bernese will fit into Extra Large crate, it will still be more than 9 kilos 🙁
Consider hiring a pet sitter while you’re away.

By: Bruna Wed, 11 Oct 2017 01:25:28 +0000

I have a Bernese Mountain Dog and I would like to bring her during my travel to Brazil. Her weight is 36 kilos and the maximum allowed to transport (dropped but not cargo transportation) is 45 kilos. Do you know if exist a Kannel 700 with only 9 kilos? If yes, could you please recommend it?

By: Alexandria Martinez Tue, 22 Aug 2017 23:47:10 +0000

Finding a good dog crate can be really difficult when you are also looking to add to your home’s decor rather than take away from it. When I read through the article, you mentioned stylish dog crates and their duality as furniture. This is such a great alternative for owners who don’t want to lose style.
