168幸运飞行艇官网开奖历史-2025年幸运飞艇查询开奖记录+开奖直播 We Believe in Hope

Connecting Youth At Risk For Suicide With Life-Saving Mental Health Treatment

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Connecting Youth At Risk For Suicide With Life-Saving Mental Health Treatment

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I need to make a referral

I need to refer a youth for 12 free sessions of therapy through Second Wind Fund.

幸运飞行艇官方开奖查询结果历史-168幸运飞行艇官网开奖号码-开奖直播视频 Crisis Help Lines

Second Wind Fund is NOT a crisis line. If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs immediate assistance, call 911 or:

In Case of Emergency

Call 911 immediately or go to the nearest hospital emergency room

Colorado Crisis Services

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Call  or text TALK to 


Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio

Why We're Here

Suicide is the leading cause of death for youth in Colorado. Effective suicide prevention programs, like Second Wind Fund, bring hope and support to youth struggling with thoughts of suicide.
Second Wind Fund exists to help youth at risk for suicide access professional counseling services by removing financial and social barriers.
We help in a variety of ways—from paying for counseling services with licensed, specialized providers to negotiating the complexities of finding a qualified mental health professional.
2025幸运飞行艇官方开奖历史记录查询+168幸运官网开奖结果+飞搬官网开奖直播网站 How We Help

When a child or teen, up to 19 years old, is at risk for suicide and faces a financial or social barrier to accessing mental health treatment, Second Wind Fund covers the cost of therapy. For families who are not facing a financial or social barrier and need help finding a quality provider, Second Wind Fund can provide navigation assistance.

We provide access to life-saving therapy across the state of Colorado.

Second Wind Fund logo
Our Mission
The mission of Second Wind Fund is to decrease the incidence of suicide in children and youth by removing the financial and social barriers to treatment.
Jefferson County School District
In my career, I have lived through some very tough situations. Second Wind Fund is a silver lining born from a very dark situation. Over the years since its inception, Second Wind Fund has helped me save the lives of over 50 youth at risk for suicide whose families could not afford adequate counseling services. I can't think of a better example of a community coming together to solve a problem that has no easy solution. Second Wind fund truly lives up to its name and provides a second wind for the sails of those who most need it.

- School Psychologist
Adams 12 School District
I have worked with Second Wind for over five years and they have always been easy to work with. However, they go above and beyond in finding therapists whose specialties are in line with the needs of students. Our biggest fear is that students who are resistant to counseling will not have a productive experience. This has luckily never been the case because Second Wind is very thorough in finding several therapists who match. This year, I was very concerned about a resistant student. The needs of the student along with family dynamics were huge obstacles. Without going into identifying detail, I must say that I am blown away by the therapist who was willing to travel and meet with the entire family. The changes are beginning and I am no longer worried about this student. This student in particular raised my level of concern to the highest degree... but no more! I can't thank Second Wind enough!

- Middle School Counselor
East Grand School District No. 2
At a time when our school faced incredible grief and loss, Second Wind walked along with us to provide quality mental health services to our students and families. The professionalism and caring of mental health professionals and Second Wind staff brought great comfort and hope.

- Elementary School Principal

Suicide is currently the leading cause of death for youth in Colorado

Together, we can change that.
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Join Us for the 22nd Annual SWF Walk/Run

It is more important than ever to invest in the mental health of our children and teens, many of whom have undergone significant changes to their daily lives and have experienced increased levels of anxiety, stress, and feelings of disconnectedness over the past few years. Demand for Second Wind Fund’s life-saving services continues to increase. SWF saw a 135% increase in referrals for the 2022-23 school year!

Second Wind Fund remains hopeful and convicted in our mission that broadening and strengthening access to suicide prevention care will continue to save lives.

What started as a small school community Walk/Run in support of our youth has grown into an important day of hope, love, and remembrance. Funds raised from this event will provide access to life-saving therapy for Colorado youth who need our support.

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